"Three Focus on" Penglai District optimize the business environment of rule of law

"Three Focus on" Penglai District optimize the business environment of rule of law

Party building leads to the rule of law pioneer

Since the beginning of this year, Penglai District has conscientiously implemented the requirements of the central and provincial and municipal business environmental deployment requirements, strengthened guidance and scheduling, innovated working mechanisms, strengthened the research on the assessment index system, and grasped projectization, modeling, and responsible management.Increase the scheduling supervision efforts, and make every effort to promote the effective improvement of the business environment of the rule of law.

The first is to focus on improving the level of government services and strengthen the construction of government integrity.Continue to promote the collection and sharing of “dual publicity” credit information, and actively publicize the industry’s credit supervision measures and its results.In the “Yantai City Integrity Statistical Enterprise” selection activity, procedures such as recommendation, qualification review, expert review, social publicity, etc., Penglai Pavilion Tourism Co., Ltd., Junding Winery Co., Ltd. and other 6 companies were selected as the first batch”Smart Enterprise Enterprise of Integrity of Yantai City”.The promise system was fully carried out in an all -round way, and the “List of Certificate of the Implementation of the Proportion System in Penglai District, Yantai City” was formulated and implemented.The district has announced a total of 246 items of the promise certificates and materials directory, which further solves the problems such as more enterprises and the masses’ certificates and difficulty in doing things.Supervise and guide the administrative law enforcement department of the region to arrange special personnel to be responsible for it, and submit credit information such as administrative licenses, administrative penalties, and administrative compulsory by the unit on time to the municipal public credit information platform.

(Physical examination report of private enterprises)

(District CPPCC Investigation and Inspection of Public Legal Service Center)

The second is to focus on stimulating the vitality of the market’s subject and innovate law enforcement judicial security mechanism.Strictly implement the “List of Mild illegal Acts to Administrative Mandatory”, supervise the implementation of the list of mild illegal acts and the implementation of the list of administrative penalties not to be imposed on minor illegal acts and general illegal acts.Cultural tourism and other areas are not given administrative compulsory cases.Establish an administrative law enforcement supervision and 12345 platform collaboration mechanism to promote the timely and effective resolution of problems in the field of law enforcement.Implement tolerance and prudent supervision, implement the “execution” mechanism of administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, regulate the administrative cases, and further stimulate the vitality of the market subject.The data of the rule of law guarantee indicators such as government affairs integrity and implementation of Government Affairs in Penglai District maintains the top three in the city.

(During Dajin Heavy Industry to carry out the “Civil Code Publicity Month” and “Optimize the Business Environment of the rule of law” theme preaching activity)

(Carry out legal services at the “Red French Station” on the streets of Bauhinia)

The third is to focus on meeting corporate legal needs and optimize legal services related to enterprises.Contact 7 enterprises above designated size and visit 12 enterprises including Wanhua Penglai Low -Carbon New Material Industrial Park and Dajin Heavy Industry to understand the difficulties faced in the production and operation of the enterprise and the relevant legal needs, and do a good job of the rule of law.Jointly organized the Optimization of the Law Lecture Hall of the Law of the Law of the Business Environment with the District Camp Reform Office and the District Development and Reform Bureau. Nearly 200 enterprises participated in to conduct a series of activities of legal knowledge training, the interpretation of enterprise policies, and the push of laws and regulations.Sort out a list of legal services involving enterprises, and high efficiency guide enterprises to handle legal business.The “12348” legal consultation hotline is integrated with the “12345” service hotline, and professional legal aid lawyers are provided with legal consultation.Organize more than ten legal service enterprises to provide legal services for enterprises to seek legal help and prevent resolution of legal risks.Carry out the “Hundred Lawyers Enterprise Enterprises” activities, and organize 12 public welfare legal service teams to continue to provide enterprises with medical examinations and legal aid services for enterprises.He provided medical examination services for 79 enterprises, and found and assisted 88 problems.Carry out legal aid services, provide more than 200 legal consultations, and participate in 38 cases of mediation and agency arbitration litigation, and recover 4.53 million yuan in economic losses.Promote the establishment of a legal service “Red Law Station” in the community, implement the “Legal Gang Office” agency system, timely solve the “annoying things” of enterprises and the masses, and open up the “last 100 meters” of legal services.

(Physical examination report of private enterprises)